
Archive for the ‘Proofreading’ Category

Leicester Proofreader. My image.


Do you need a proofreader or do you know someone who does? If the answer is yes then I can help. I am a proofreader. For details of the service I offer click on the Proofreading Services tab at the top of this blog or visit my Leicester Proofreader page on Facebook.

If you’re a regular reader of this blog you’ll be aware that I’m currently looking for a job but as none seem to be forthcoming I’ve decided, in the interim at least, to set myself up as a freelance proofreader. A few months ago I completed a proofreading course and now all I need is some work.


My spelling is Wobbly. It’s good spelling but it
Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places.”

Winnie-the-Pooh – A.A. Milne

If, like Pooh, your spelling is wobbly (or your punctuation, grammar, syntax, etc. need checking) or you just need someone to proofread your work for your own piece of mind then please contact me at leicesterproofreader@gmail.com. I can proofread pretty much anything and can do it on screen using tracked changes or on hard copy using BSI proofreading symbols.


If you’re not in need of a proofreader then I’d be ever so grateful if you would “like” my Facebook page, follow my Twitter account (@LeicProofreader) or simply spread the word. I know quite a lot of people have already done this and I very much appreciate you taking the time to support me.


Thank you.


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